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Our Statement of Purpose

Lincolns Supported Living Limited is a provider of services designed to promote supported independent living, accommodation and social support. The service offers from minimum support to 24-hour support/supervision to individuals with learning or physical disabilities and/or a mental health diagnosis and to any person that may require minimum support to allow them to stay within their own home through an individual person-centered approach. 

The aim of our service

Our mission is to be the leading independent provider of support to each individual with all aspects of their care needs from minimum support-maximum support, weather this is out in the community or in a safe home environment. This will promote each individual’s independence and choice by enhancing their independence in their daily living skills which includes all aspects of personal care and medication needs and further educational skills. Lincolns Supported Living Limited supports each individual with emotional wellbeing and promotes social interaction.  This will enable individuals to become more independent and in control of their own lives.  With this in mind we wish to become the preferred partner/provider of public sector purchasers.

Philosophy of Care

We believe that compassion and care and strive to ensure the best outcome is achieved for each individual with whom we work with should form the basis of our practice.
Our ongoing philosophy is to provide each individual with a quality service which is tailored to the individual needs and which promotes/encourages good health/emotional and social well being. In doing so, our primary goal is to support each individual to gain and maintain as much independence in their lives as possible and to maximize their choice and decision making skills, therefore enabling them to control their own lives.
We believe that this goal can only be achieved by developing positive and meaningful relationships that respects individuality, privacy, dignity and diversity, whilst promoting self esteem.
We entrust each individual by placing choice/authority into their hands or into the hands of an authorised delegated person. The basic premise of our service is that our competent members of staff have a responsibility to deliver meaningful /person centered care approach to each individual in our care.

Our Values

Honesty:  We are open and honest with each other and with ourselves. This allows us to acknowledge any weakness and learn from passed experiences, which will allow us to improve our service.

Enterprise:  We encourage initiative and new ideas at all levels. We start from the viewpoint that all staff can contribute to our goals and are given the freedom to do so.

Accountability:  Every employee has clear responsibilities and feels personally accountable for their actions and are encouraged to never to make excuses or to pass the buck.

Respect: We believe that working relationships must be based on mutual respect and understanding between individuals and that respect extends to all lines of our service.

Trust:  Trust is an essential foundation of our relationship and is the cornerstone of good teamwork.  We depend upon our colleagues and they depend on us. 

Aims and Objectives

. To provide trained and competent staff to meet the needs of the individual in our care

. To provide support that is tailored to meet each individual’s needs. 

. To help and support each individual to lead an independent life as possible. 

. To provide a service that promotes Equality and is anti-discriminatory. 

. To provide a service that takes into account and promotes each individual’s rights, preferences, wishes, personal circumstances and abilities. 

. To provide the highest level of commitment to each individual within their own environment. 

. To promote good practice throughout our service establishing and encouraging initiative and new ideas at all levels.

How do we achieve these objectives?

. By working to an individual person-centered approach plan of support that has been agreed with the individual and any relevant persons involved in the care for that individual. 

. By working alongside each individual and any relevant person involved in their care to promote and increase their independence. 

. By treating all individuals with dignity and respect 

. By encouraging each individual to be involved in the decision-making process that helps them to meet their goals and aspirations. 

. By ensuring that support is provided to each individual by trained and competent staff, who have the knowledge of the individuals background, values and needs. 

. By supporting each individual to access any community activities/services 

Governance and Quality Assurance

In order to deliver a high-quality service, we continually audit our service to monitor and to improve the way we perform this is carried out by the either the service manager or the Area Manager of the service. These audits include: 

. Service User files 

. Staff files

. Complaints 

. Assessments

. Reviews

. Staff training 

. Staff supervision 

We promote the opportunity for each individual to take a positive role in the decision-making process which helps us to tailor a person-centered approach support package to attain our objectives. Regular meetings are to be conducted where the individual will be given an opportunity to voice their concerns, views and positive steps to meet the individual goals and aspirations.

Staff meetings are scheduled to take place on a weekly basis. This provides staff with the opportunity to voice their opinions and feedback to the Management regarding the progress of each individual and how the service can be more efficient/ affective in meeting the needs of each individual. 

Each individual and those involved in their care are made aware of the service’s complaints policy and are encouraged to offer feedback through individual reviews or on an as and when basis if needed. 

All staff will undertake regular training and updates which includes a minimum of: 

. Safeguarding  

. Health & Safety

. Fire Awareness 

. Food Hygiene Awareness 

. Moving & Handling (inanimate objects)


. First Aid

. Medication Awareness

. Mental Capacity 


And any other specific training required.

The Assessment Process

At this anititail assessment, the following aspects of the service will be discussed with the potential individual: 

. Proposed plan of care to be offered by the service

. Current support needs 

. Identified areas of risk 

. Individual preferences 

. What they are seeking from the service. 

The Admission Process

If the outcome of the assessment is successful, and it is proposed that the individual will move into one of our supported properties they will be invited to visit the appropriate property. This will give them the opportunity to look around, meet other individuals and staff, if appropriate and ask questions they or a representative may have.

If the potential individual is in agreement with the service and the Local Authority permits the funding, then a transition plan is arranged with the individual and others involved in their care. This can include both day and overnight visits to help the individual settle into their new environment. If there are no concerns from the individual or the service during this transition period, an admission date into the tenancy is then agreed. 

In the case of emergency admission requests, an initial assessment will be completed within 24 hours of referral. If the service can offer a suitable placement, and funding is confirmed, Lincolns Supported Living Limited will inform the new individual of all key aspects, procedures and routines of the property within two days of admission. Prior to admission, a review plan will be agreed with the potential individual and their care team and a contingency plan confirmed as to what actions will be taken if the placement becomes unsustainable. The placement will be formally reviewed in the eighth week and a decision made on whether support can be continued. 


Lincolns Supported Living Limited recognizes that every prospective individual should have the opportunity to choose a home which suits their needs. To facilitate that choice so we ensure to do the following: 

. Provide a variety of properties for the differing needs and requirements of each individual.

. Which will be Modern and furnished one-bedroom flats/houses for individuals who wish to be totally independent? Or shared accommodation if they wish.

.. We will give each individual a Tenancy Agreement specifying the terms of their tenancy. 

. Ensuring that every prospective individual has their needs thoroughly assessed before a decision on admission is taken. 

Range of Support

Lincolns Supported Living Limited aim to assist each individual to promote and develop daily living skills, on an individual basis, which will allow them to live independently within the local community. 

The ways in which we support each individual may include providing advice, prompting or assistance with: 

. All issues regarding to their tenancy including security and safety

. All Budgeting issues, including household bills, and claiming appropriate benefits 

.  Support with Shopping and cooking.

. Support with education, employment or voluntary work and leisure activities

. Support with All aspects of a medical /health nature including medication

. Support each individual in liaisoning with other agencies involved in their support and care. 

. Maintaining/developing family/community links and relationships 

. Support with all aspects personal care to promote the individual’s independence. 

. support with domestic tasks, to ensure a good level of hygiene and safety is maintained

. Each individual will be encouraged to have input to developing an individual person-centered plan and to personalize their living space. 


We as a company recognize the need to ensure all persons within our service are protected from any form of abuse or from abusing others. Therefore, we have a strict policy and procedure that is in line with the local authorities and legislation requirements and all staff are made aware of its contents and are given appropriate training regarding this. 

Civil Rights

Lincolns Supported Living Limited acknowledges that each individual may need support to exercise their rights as citizens and access public services available to them. Which Includes the NHS, welfare benefits, employment, election poles and public transport?
In order to support each individual to maintain their place in society, the service supports each individual the following ways: 

. Supporting each individual to access and exercise their rights as an Equal member of the public regardless of their disability, race, gender or any other circumstances. 

. Supporting each individual to undertake tasks which will promote their independence. 


Lincolns Supported Living Limited ensures that information held about each individual is kept confidential at all times in accordance with The Data Protection Act 1998. 
There are exceptions to this rule in extreme cases where personal data relating to an individual’s mental and/or physical health could be passed on without explicit consent if this is deemed necessary to protect the vital interests of an individual and/or the safety of others. This includes any safeguarding issues that could/may arise.

Access to information about employees and service user’s is strictly limited to the manager, the individual and the members of staff concerned with the support and welfare of that individual. All files are stored in a secure location and they are not left unattended during business hours. All files are stored in a locked cabinet, with restricted access, and procedures are in place to ensure the building is securely locked up each evening.

Dignity and Respect

We strive to preserve the dignity and respect of each individual in the following ways: 

. Ensuring to treat each person as a valued individual 

. Encouraging each individual to carry out tasks to a level of independence that is suitable to their needs. 

. To support and offer access to a range of activities that enables each individual to express themselves as individuals within the community. 

. Supporting them in dealing with any discrimination and inferiority that each individual may face. 

Equal Opportunities

Lincolns Supported Living Limited abides and promotes the equal opportunities legislation and does not discriminate in any way on the basis of race, religions, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status or age in relation to any member.


Lincolns Supported Living Limited understands that each individual that comes into our service from a variety of needs and different settings and believe that it is important to encourage each individual to take advantage of the opportunities on offer to them in either their own home or in the community. This is done by: 

. Encouraging and promoting each individual to lead as much of an independent lifestyle as possible. 

. Supporting each individual to make decisions, choices and taking informed risks. 

. Encouraging and supporting each individual to maintain contact with their friends and family. 

. Encouraging each individual to have access to and contribute to the records of their own support package.

. Although support will be provided, we will encourage each individual to carry out daily living tasks for themselves. 


Lincolns Supported Living Limited recognize that life in a communal setting and the need to accept assistance with personal tasks are inherently invasive of an individual’s privacy. We therefore aim to retain as much of individual’s privacy and dignity as possible in the following ways: 

. Providing assistance/support with personal care in a dignified discreet manner as possible. 

. Supporting each individual to personalize their private living space. 

. supporting each individual to express their views and choices.

. Offering a range of support to attend any medical appointments that may be required.

. Providing locks and security on property if required. 

. Ensuring that each individual gives their consent before a member of staff can enter.

Security and Safety

Lincolns Supported Living Limited provides an environment that is supportive and responds to the need to safeguard each individual in the following ways: 

. Supporting and assisting each individual when doing tasks that have a risk attached.  

. Protecting each individual, wherever practicable, from all forms of abuse.

. Ensuring that each individual and staff are fully aware of the procedures to make a complaint or to raise a concern about any suspected form of abuse or any concern over an aspect of the service or the environment. 

. Providing an environment which is safe and in good maintenance and has been assessed to eliminate or reduce any risk to any individual. 

. Ensuring that all visitors have been given permission to enter the premises, this includes any person to carry out any maintenance. 

Risk Assessment

Lincolns Supported Living Limited recognizes that risk taking is a vital and often enjoyable part of life and of social activity and that some individuals will wish to take certain risks. 

We therefore do not aim to provide a totally risk-free environment. However, we do, as far as practicable, ensure that each individual is not subjected to any unnecessary hazards or risk. If an individual wishes to be included and take part in an activity that involves risk, we will ensure that the individual has information available to them, in a format they understand, in order that they can make an informed decision about the risk, and carry out a thorough risk assessment with the individual. 

Such risk assessments will be implemented and regularly reviewed, with the participation of all parties, in the light of experience. 

Support Plans

For each area of need identified for an individual a person-centered support plan is produced by the management with input from the individual and any other person involved in that individuals care. Setting out specific objectives in the identified area and how the individual hopes to achieve these (using both internal and external resources). This support plan will incorporate the control measures identified through their risk management plan in any related risk areas. All support plans are reviewed on a regular basis and updated as appropriate.  

Each individual will be given a copy of their support plan and any associated risk assessments and is encouraged to participate as fully as individually possible within their planning process. Each individual or their representative can request a review at any time if they feel their support plan is not appropriate and needs up dating. 

Support and Engagement to participate in Local Community, Social Activities, Hobbies & Interests 

We strive to ensure that all individuals live their lives as fully as possible by doing the following: 

. Encouraging each individual to enjoy a range of individual and group activities including leisure to promote their social skills and increase self esteem. Individuals will be encouraged to continue with existing hobbies, pursuits and relationships, and to explore new experiences. 

. Giving each individual the opportunity, if they wish, to participate in group trips and activities organised by the service. 

We will endeavor to support each individual with all aspects of their nutritional needs including special dietary requirements, as advised by a specialist and agreed in the individual’s support plan. 

Fire Precautions, Associated Emergency Procedures and Safe Working Practices

Each individual is made aware of the action to be taken in the event of a fire or other emergency. The service conforms to all guidance on promoting and protecting the health, safety and welfare of the individual.

Relatives, Friends and Representatives

Each individual is encouraged and supported, if they wish, and it is possible to maintain contact with their families and friends, but can choose whom to see, when and where. If an individual wish to be represented in any dealing with the service by a nominated friend, relative or professional, we will respect their wishes and facilitate this. 

Religious Observations

Each individual who wish to practice their religion or any cultural practices or believes are given support to do so. The service will: 

. Encourage and respect the values and background of each individual and give them the freedom to practice their belief and cultural preferences.

. Make contact with any local place of worship on an individual’s behalf and arrange transport and support if required. 

Service Structure

Provider    Lincolns Supported Living Limited Ltd

Director:        Asaf   Hussain

Finance Accountant:     Mr H Ali


Northampton - Simon Pain

Lincolns Supported Living Limited ltd complies with The Health & Social Care Act 2008 in relation to recruitment practice and aims to provide suitably qualified and competent staff in all areas of its operations. 

Qualifications and Training

All employees undergo continuous mandatory and service specific training to ensure we continue to deliver a high-quality service. All new employees receive full mandatory training via the Company programme and outside resourced training. 

All members of staff have achieved, or are working towards, an appropriate accredit qualification/s. 

Training needs are reviewed regularly during monthly supervision sessions, and annual appraisals reflect on both the individual learning and development goals and the needs of the service. 

Policies and Procedures

All aspects of running and managing our service are recorded in a comprehensive set of policy and procedure documents. These policies and procedures ensure we meet the statutory requirements for running a Supported Living Service and domiciliary care service and are reviewed regularly to ensure they are kept up to date. Copies of our Policy and procedures are held at our Peterborough office. 

Complaints Procedure

It is our policy to actively encourage feedback from service users, carers, staff members, visitors, commissioners and the community about the services we provide. Any complaints, comments or suggestions will be treated seriously and handled in a way that is both appropriate and sensitive. In all instances, the views of those who use our services will be used as part of a process of continuous learning and quality improvement.

The complaints procedure is made available to all service users and carers and any member of the public that may require it.

Who can complain?

Anyone dissatisfied with the service, the actions, or lack of action from Lincolns Supported Living Limited can complain.

Anyone acting on behalf of anyone dissatisfied with the service, the actions, or lack of action from Lincolns Supported Living Limited can complain, provided they have the express consent of the individual experiencing dissatisfaction

How can you complain?

Complaints may be made verbally or in writing, in person, by email, fax or letter. However, the complaint is made, no obstacle will not be put in the way of a potential complainant by insisting that a particular form is used.

What response can you expect?

We will seek to ensure the effective and timely resolution of all complaints. We will do this by promptly acknowledging and addressing all complaints in a way that is sensitive and responsive to the individual needs of each complainant.

Once the complaint is acknowledged, we will investigate and respond to all complaints within seven working days. Where it is not possible to conclude an investigation within that time, we will inform you of the reasons for this and advise you of when you can expect a response.

Who can you complain to?

All staff members will be provided with the appropriate training and authority required to respond effectively to complaints. If you wish to make a complaint, please contact the Area Manager as detailed below:

Our Northampton office

Lincolns Supported Living Limited Ltd

115 Abington Avenue Northampton NN1 4PB

Telephone: 01604 624514 


All complainants should receive a written acknowledgement within Five working days of receipt of the complaint. 

Any member of staff involved in a complaint will be fully informed of any allegations at the outset and given an opportunity to reply.  A staff member may be suspended whilst an investigation is carried out if needed.

Where the investigation is still in process, a letter explaining the reason for the delay is sent to the complainant and a full response made within five days of a conclusion being reached. 

The results of the investigation will be shared with the complainant and documented. 

If the complainant requires support or advice in making a complaint, they are free to contact a solicitor or advocacy service. Information of local solicitors and advocacy are available from the support worker on duty. 

All documentation regarding a complaint, received by the manager, will be registered within the complaints file. 

Contact Details

If you require further information about this Service, or would like to make a referral, please contact: 

Our Registered office which is based at:

Lincolns Supported Living Limited Ltd 
Unit 4, The Courtyard 
Telephone: 01733 701276 (07966398701)
Email: or

Statement of Purpose: Text
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